Monday, October 29, 2007

From Late September to Late October

Fall is here in India too, and there have been a wealth of festivals and holidays in the past month. During the Dusshera Holiday, Hindus worship and give thanks for their tools. On the right is an auto driver with his auto covered in flowers, banana leaves, and other decorations. Many people will offer a sacrifice in honor to their you would see many people splitting open watermelon-like fruits near their cars, storefronts, or gates in the case of guardsmen.

I've been pretty busy working. For one thing we've been trying to get the Center for Experimental Media Arts off the ground. This mostly means that we've been conducting reading groups and having lab meetings so that our students and ourselves can get project feedback. I spent a few weeks writing a grant to the MacArthur Foundation for digital media and learning. It was pretty satisfying to try to get the concerns of about three different organizations allied together (along with their support). Who knows...maybe the funding will come through and help make CEMA more robust in it local and global presence. Here's the gate to CEMA on the left.

Here's Zack in our newly refurbished CEMA offices.

...and Prayas and Yashas on the other side in the lab...

Other than that, I've been doing some design research, working on a paper about "design ecology", and moving into our new apartment closer to school/work/CEMA.

Here is a street near our apartment complex...

and our building...

and the other buildings in the complex...

our living room...

...and the view from the balcony...

my room...

the hallway...

...and the kitchen

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